Bushfire Attack Level Flame Zone (BAL-FZ)

Care. Craftmanship. Commitment.

The bushland environment of Sydney means that in some suburbs special treatment is
required for new homes to help protect them against bushfire.

The BAL-FZ is the most extreme rating that can be applied to a building’s design and construction. It is now applicable in many areas of NSW, including a large number of North Shore and Northern Beaches suburbs.

At Lawson & Lovell, we are experienced in building to meet BAL-FZ standards. If you want to know if your home is affected by the BAL-FZ code, please give Phil a call on 0422 459 159 or for more information visit the HIA website or RFS website.



View the homes we’ve built that required BAL-FZ compliance here:

Hyde Ave, Killarney

Boundary St, Castle Cove

Willis Rd, Castle Cove

Amaroo Cr, Mosman